Samantha Hum is an Australian-Singaporean actress whose most notable roles include Robert Zemeckis' latest film "Welcome to Marwen", "The Flash", "The 100", "Code of Law", “The Day We Met” featured in the Storyhive/Telus Competition and in “Mining Moon” for which she won the Best Supporting Actress Award at the Indie Film Fest.
In 2015, she took part in the mentorship program with the Women in Film and TV (WIFTV) where she was mentored by Tammy Gillis (Siren, Marrying Mr Darcy), Samantha thinks of herself as a constant student, always soaking up new ideas and perspectives that she can apply to her work as an artist.
Raised in Singapore, Samantha has been drawn to performance from a young age, finding deep joy in her ability to entertain an audience. She has always been passionate about singing and acting, and throughout school, she appeared in at least one play each year, graduating as one of the top drama students at United World College (S.E.A.). After college, she was accepted into the prestigious Australian Film School - 16th Street Actors Studio, where she studied the teachings of Uta Hagen, Lee Strasberg, Ivana Chubbuck, and Mike Leigh under the tutelage of such notable masters as Kerry Armstrong, Noni Hazelhurst, and Larry Moss.
Curious by nature and with a ferocious energy that she directs fully at the project at hand, Samantha is a powerful actress who adds to any film in which she appears.
It is in the act of voyeurism, to be a storyteller, the ability to make someone feel something. To share the feeling of being loved, that heartbreak, that joke... That is what is exciting to me. In the words of Oscar Wilde: "I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being."